Today I don’t have to fit into anyone else’s emotional atmosphere.

Louise Hay

The beauty secret?

Since Monday my new co-workers have been telling me that I look fresh and healthier…. well, the only thing I have been doing differently is sleep!!! I slept over the Holy Week long-weekend… that´s it! Did nothing more… well, I also bought an amazing A/C unit, an inverter with purifier, humidifier, and some other “iers” that they swear by God that makes you feel better… would it be the real secret? 

Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart courage to make love known?

William Shakespeare

Clot Risk May Be Higher With Newer Birth Control Pills

Two new studies published in the British Medical Journal suggest that women who take birth control pills with the newer hormone drospirenone (found in Beyaz, Loryna, Safyral, Syeda, Yasmin, and Yaz) have a higher risk for developing potentially serious blood clots than women who take birth control pills containing the older hormone levonorgestrel. 

In general, there is a very small increased risk for developing blood clots while taking birth control pills. However, women taking birth control pills or considering taking them should be aware that there may be an increased risk of developing a blood clot associated with the use of pills containing drospirenone. 

For more information, please visit: and


There are many birth control options on the market and it is important for women to talk to their doctor and understand the potential risks and benefits of each when making their decision.

While birth control pills are effective and beneficial, they can raise the risk of developing blood clots. These new studies highlight the importance of reviewing the benefits and risks of your specific birth control pill with your doctor or other healthcare professional, especially if you smoke or are overweight which are factors that can further increase your risk for blood clots.

If you have questions or concerns about this safety alert or think you are experiencing side effects from your medicine, please follow up with your doctor.

For updated risk ratings on all of your registered medications, or to update your medication list, please log into your profile (

You can also reach your profile by clicking on the link in the top right corner of any page on our web site.



Prince Charming?

I am actually not looking for Prince Charming, rather for Prince Love!  I was talking to an ex-boyfriend and he mentioned that I am looking for Mr. Perfect… and I am not… I am just not even looking.  I want my Mr. Right to be right for me… someone who loves me “… just the way I am…” like Bridget Jones, not taller, not thinner, not with bigger boops, smaller hips, not older, younger, smartest, not more beautiful… and with my things attached, my illnesses, my happiness, my way of doing things… and of course, I will love him… just they way he is!!!… too much to ask? well,  I rather be alone than setteling for less…