stillness, awareness, conciousness, oneness

… so today on a Ekhart Tolle Live conference, he used sooo many “ness” words, that just made me realize that I have to expand my dictionary… he also mentioned spaciousness, togetherness, and another one that I quite do not remember.

… I just will not worry about the ness, but will be content with just being here, in the presentness :p

Physical body…

I have come to an agreement with my Physical Body.  I sleep when my body feels sleepy, I eat when it is hungry and rest when tired because I know this is the only body I have in this lifetime and I have to take care of it.  I wish I could control that because the day is not long enough to do the things I want to do….

Actually, some people say that the mind controls the body and that there have been documented cases in which people have not eaten, rested or slept in days, months and years… I sometimes do not believe that because I am tired right now, at least my body is, I feel like crashing in my bed and sleep for days.. but I cannot do that at the moment, and believe me I am commanding my body to feel rested and energized… but it is not paying attention to my demands…

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