It is time to wrap up the 2011 and to open all the doors for the amazing 2012 that is about to come! Happy New Year 2012!
Neil Diamond
Rise in social care fees ‘a tax’
Rise in social care fees ‘a tax’
Figures show a sharp rise in the cost of council services for elderly and disabled people, making charges a stealth tax on the vulnerable, Labour warns.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I dont judge bcause I didnt create the law.I let people be who they want 2 be,I dont criticize bcause everything is as perfect as it shud be – luriselisa (@luriselisa)
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. #Quotes – luriselisa (@luriselisa)
Have you ever heard, “in giving, we receive?” A new study shows givers lead happier lives. – Disc_Health (@Disc_Health)
Management Tip: 4 Steps to Delivering Helpful Feedback #HBRMgmntTip – HarvardBiz (@HarvardBiz)
Blood bank ‘perfect storm’ threat
Blood bank ‘perfect storm’ threat
Blood stocks in England and north Wales may be hit by major events of 2012 such as the Olympics and Diamond Jubilee, according to the NHS.
We want you to enjoy the contrasting experience, just like you enjoy the contrasting buffet. And we want you to reach the place (and practicing Virtual Reality will help you to gain this confidence) that whenever you’re in front of a buffet that has so much that you do like to eat, as well as some that you don’t like to eat, you don’t feel frustrated that there are things there you don’t want to eat. You don’t feel compelled to put them on your plate and eat them; you just pick the things that you like. And the Universe of thought is the same way. You can choose from it the things that you like.