Chakras: 7 Minute Tune Up
After these 7 minutes, your meditation will be just incredible!
I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby
Dress for the part that you want in life
Dress for the part that you want in life
“Dress for the part that you want in life”
Which has been your greatest area of growth in your life?
for me has been… Forgiveness… forgiving everyone…including yourself!
Finally, I have come to understand that old resentments can literally eat you alive, they can hamper you from moving forward in life, and living a happy and complete life.
It seems that is is inevitable to come across people who we think wrong us in one way or another. Even the tiny, teeny, little thing hurt us, and we feel we are victims… things like when someone cuts us in traffic, someone who “steals our thunder”, someone who hurts us, someone who say nasty things about ourselves, etc., etc., etc…. all these things, are really experiences we needed to learn in order to grow and excel. When we understand that we are not victims, but human beings seeking learning lessons in life, we start being the owner of our feelings and select the way we feel, and forgiving then, becomes much easier…
Now… forgiving ourselves is really the challenge… we are the coldest-hearted judge, we criticize our body, our minds, our intellect, etc., etc., etc…
If you think about it… the only person standing between you and the happiness in life is…. yourself… so go ahead, hug yourself and forgive yourself.. every minute, right now… you will feel great and happier… I guarantee that!
Remember, forgiveness is not a gift for others… is a gift for YOU!