RIM may lose more ground in smartphone market: analyst http://t.co/1AXTpu0i – Reuters Media (@ReutersMedia)
I just love a good Parody!
8 Hilarious ‘Avengers’ Parodies [VIDEOS] – http://t.co/zIjqdSBc – Pete Cashmore
How can you ever expect to hear God’s voice if you don’t imagine yourself deserving enough to even be spoken to?
Neale Donald Walsch
How to get results in life?
Tricky question…. Stop wishing and start doing! Make those wishes true by acting upon them with enthusiasm, as they were already an awesome reality.
Love is to the soul as food is to the body.
Aine Belton
If you’re feeling ‘better than’, or ‘less than’, your ego’s talking.
Aine Belton