Study: phones, not cash or credit, will be the way to pay by 2020
Well, well… So all my digital life could be in hands of thieves… Mobile phones thefts are increasing by the minute… Where is the security for the user going to be?
Study: phones, not cash or credit, will be the way to pay by 2020
Well, well… So all my digital life could be in hands of thieves… Mobile phones thefts are increasing by the minute… Where is the security for the user going to be?
Beyond all ideas of right & wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.
Why it’s OK to take short breaks while you workout: – Everyday Health
I was talking with lovely old lady that told me that I should be aware and realize that for every loving thought and for every fearful thought I will always find an effect. She also reassure me that all of my loving thoughts come from my true self and would make me feel happy. If a thought would make me feel like anxious, sad or depressed, and then those thoughts most likely come from my ego, so I should observe them, and loving acknowledge them and let them go.
@_NealeDWalsch: Your world will follow your idea about yourself. First comes your thought about yourself, then follows the outer world.
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The moments that you spend alone in silence are a gift you give to yourself. Your inner self thanks you for your nurturing care.