Tai chi

Almost two months in Tai Chi classes and I think I am getting it, my hands are so hot and warm that is not even funny… I have checked the other students a nd theirs are not hot or red as mines.. Am I doing it correctly?


Not sure what is more intense, to do my daily work-related stuff, or the meditation work…

The shortest distance between you and your success is thinking that you already have it and acting the part.

~ The Universe ♡

working from home?

I seriously love my new job… with all my heart, for me it is the best job I have ever had… I feel I am compelled to do more… time is not enough, it goes way too fast… so I am taking my laptop home… it is early still, but now in my comfy bed…I just cannot get myself to do it… I want to… but my ankle and knee hurts, tomorrow I have a doctor´s appointment and have to wake up early… so should I work a little bit or should I just do one hour meditation before going to ZZZZzzz?? I am debating on this right now… hmmm oh well, I guess I will just submit some work-order forms and that´s about it…

This is the day to really experience trust. I trust in myself and trust in life.

Louise L. Hay