Stem cells were God’s will, says first recipient of treatment
Love does not consist in gazing into each-other’s eyes but in looking outward together in the same direction.
Radiohead – Creep
Such a great song!
Stand Up While You Read This!
Some people have advanced radical solutions to the sitting syndrome: replace your sit-down desk with a stand-up desk, and equip this with a slow treadmill so that you walk while you work. (Talk about pacing the office.) Make sure that your television can only operate if you are pedaling furiously on an exercise bike. Or, watch television in a rocking chair: rocking also takes energy and involves a continuous gentle flexing of the calf muscles. Get rid of your office chair and replace it with a therapy ball: this too uses more muscles, and hence more energy, than a normal chair, because you have to support your back and work to keep balanced. You also have the option of bouncing, if you like.
Or you could take all this as a license to fidget.
But whatever you choose, know this. The data are clear: beware your chair.
National Shortage of Vital Cancer Drug
Nato leaders: ‘Gaddafi must go’
Nato leaders: ‘Gaddafi must go’
US, British and French leaders insist that Muammar Gaddafi must step down in Libya, amid continuing signs of division within Nato over the alliance’s military campaign.
Drug-resistant bacteria found in half of US meat
To wake up or not to wake up
That is my question…
Zsa Zsa Gabor to become new mother at 94, husband says.
Zsa Zsa Gabor to become new mother at 94, husband says.
Gabor’s only child, Francesca Hilton, described herself as shocked when told of the plan Thursday.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller ♡